Sunday, November 28, 2010

Vahelduste nädal

Üks huvitav nädal jälle möödas.
See nädal erines teistest, sest see nädal ma suutsin ainult ühe korra trennis käia, millest mul on suht kahju.
Sulgpall jäi ära, sest teisipäeval ja neljapäeval olid rokimängud ning reedese asendustrenni ajal oli animeööl, ning laupäeval olin liiga väsinud, et jõuda sinna
Esmaspäeval käisin trennis ära, päris mõnus oli.
Teisipäeval kuna trenni ei olnud käisin sõpradega kinos vaatamas Harry Potteri uusimat filmi, mis oli minu jaoks suur dissapoint. Ning pärast käisin saunas.
Kolmapäev, neljapäev lihtsalt istusin õhtu otsa arvutis vaatasin animet või siis istusin IRCus või MSNis rääkides, vahepeal lihtsalt trollides inimesi.
Reedel käisin Animeööl, kus see kord näidati Madhouse'i poolt tehtud animevalikut. Needless ep 6 jäi sealt kõige paremini meelde XD. Kuigi huvitav oli ka alguseks vaadatan Captain Herlockit. Alguses kui kohale jõudsin oli keegi otsustanud nali teha ja ukse lukustada, nii et pidin ootama ukse taga kuni tyyp otsustas selle lahti teha. Muidu oli huvitav animeöö aga pidin kahjuks vara lahkuma, sest hommikul oli Tallinna sõit plaanis.
Animeöölt lahkudes otsustasin läbi tulla surnuaiast ning see ei osutunudki nii läbi kukkunud plaaniks, sest scenery mis seal avanes oli lihtsalt nii epic, et oleks tahtnud seal tunde niisama jalutada ja nautida lumist surnuaeda.
Laupäeva hommikul oli juba kell 7 start Tallinna poole Eesti Gaidide Liidu aastakoosolekule, mis pmst koosnes sellest, et oli vaja kuulata ning hääletada. Aga see osutus väga ebahuvitavaks ning väsitavaks.
Tallinnast tagasi jõudes pidin viima venna arvuti sõbra poole kuna see suri ära eelmine päev ning tuli välja, et jama on selles et emaplaat suri ära. Peale kahetunnist linnatiiru koju tulles avastasin, et vend pelab mu arvutis WoWi ja toob ettekäändeks "kohe lõpetan". Ja terve õhtu oli juba rikutud.
Pühapäeval avastasin, et suutsin 12h magada ja kui üles ärkasin oli tuju hea aga siis langes tuju korraks miinusesse. Kuna oli saand IRCust kickbanni otsustasin teha oma kirjanduse kursusetöö ära.
Nädal millist pole ammu olnud...

Crayziness lvl 1

When you find yourself alone in the world, how do you react. It is simple to just quit living because no-one seems to care about you. World may seem darker now. You can see the people around you having fun, but  you are feeling sad and broken inside. Being broken inside doesn't mean you have to show it. If you keep yourself together no one will notice that you are very unstable. And when someone tries to help you, you just refuse because you know you might get hurt again and fall to the same pit again. You feel like you hate people who harmed you, but still some of them cannot be hated.
Once I hated the whole world because I was hurt, but next time I hated myself. For me the only one who can hurt me is myself. When I think back, all my problems start with me at end with me, things in between are people,who I know. I know I'm going crazy and this post is full of nonsense and irrational stuff.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snowstorm and Movie

So I went to movies with some friends to watch "Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1". But while I was watching it I was so dissapointed in it. It was just too easy to see through as I had read all the books of Harry Potter a while ago.
When I got out of the movies there was this great snowstorm blowing snow into my face. Not that it hurt but wind and cold with it was so good to feel on my face. Described as a warm breeze of air on this cloudless, windless night.
It was only because my trainging had been cancelled because of a basketball game.
And what to do on thursday night when I have another free spot in my schedule...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Graveyard

Have you ever been to a graveyard, at night, when the full moon is up with stars? I have, it was a cloudless night and the snow on the road and graves shined nice and white. I have no fear in walking this graveyard because I know there aren't any new bodys buried there. Only ashes are buried in that graveyard now. Sadly my uncle's ashes ly in that graveyard too.

I used to live just next to the graveyard so my fear of the dark and creatures in that dark graveyard is gone. You think if zombie apocalypse comes I wouldn't go there. You are wrong, the people who are buried there are atleast 20-100 years dead already so only bones are left. There could be some zombies, but not a horde that I or anyone else can't handle.

In that graveyard I've played hide and seek. It used to be fun there to play with friends. But now as I go there I sometimes pass by to respect one of my greatest heroes grave, Julius Kuperjanov. He with help of armoured trains freed Tartu in 1919.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Maze of skulls

I find myself in a dark room. Room filled with skulls and only way out is one black door.
The door itself looks like harmless, but I never know whats behind that door. So I get myself together and open the door, after that door is a corridor also filled with skulls. Int his corridor seems to be many doors like this one. I try to open one of them, I can't. They must be opened from inside first. After while I notice I've got stuck in a maze of corridors, with doors everywhere. Only things what are there with me are skulls. Just plain old skulls. I wonder why they are there, maybe because all of them once had been here and never got out. But if that is true, then this place must be very old.
So I sit down to think about what to do. I pick up a skull and notice a markings on skulls back, in there its written name of a person I once knew. And then I get it, the skulls are from the people who I had been ignoring all my life. So I set off for another journey in a maze of skulls.
After many days of wandering around the maze I find a white door in this dark and filthy maze. Though I try to open it I can't. But next to the wall is written: "She must let you in". So I knock on the door. The door only opens a little but enough that I can see a figure of a girl I knew, but can't remember her still.
Then I realise why I am in this maze. I closed myself for people for too long that they all died. And only 1 was left. The one who knew about me what no one else knew.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Again I'm talking about Death, but this time it is about one of the Four Horsmen.
He is as old as world and god himself, been always there to reap souls of fallen. In souls of Fallen I mean even the Angels who have lost their wings and fallen to Earth for treason against their brothers and sisters. But Death reaps everything else too: animals, humans and even plants. He is just a Grim Reaper, because people are getting their numbers higher and higher is work gets very hard. So he called up for lost souls who had nothing else to do and asked them to collect souls of the fallen and dying ones.
Now he rests in Hell with his brothers: War, Pestilence and Famine. Only time him to leave Hell is when his brothers leave the Hell to for some little time. He rides out on pale steed, depending from era it can be a pale horse or a white Cadilac. It only happens when the apocalypse starts, so till that you don't have to be scared by meeting them. They wouldn't be walking on Earth before Apocalypse.

Monday, November 8, 2010


War,  usually known as fight between two sides with opposite extreme opinions. War is described as an awful way to make your ideas clear to people. But what some don't know is that War is actually one of The Four Horsemen, who makes people fight each other to amuse him.
Usually War stays in his nice home in Hell and only can come out to breathe fresh air for some time after every century. War is gaining his pass to Earth only by holding peace in Hell so demons wouldn't kill each other for no reason. So when War leaves his royal quarters in Hell for a little tour on Earth, all hell breaks loose in Hell demons kill each other for fun and the strongest shall triumph over weaker and lesser demons. And when War gets back from his field trip there is needed a lot of repairing and redecorating in Hell.
So shall continue the tales of the Four Horsmen.


Hellhounds are usually nice and small puppies...
Humans don't see Hellhounds, but demons can see them. And hellhounds are servants of a certain semon species called the Crossroads demons. Demons who deal with peoples who want to get famous, lots of money, etc and they give them 10 years of freedom to taste their fruits till hellhounds come and take their life. People who have sealed the contract can see the dogs, before they get ripped to shreds.
Maybe most known hellhound is Kerberos, from Greek mythology. The famous keeper of the Underworld and with three heads most terrifying helhound ever. But he is a servant for Hades the god of death in Greece.
Otherwise hellhounds lurk in hell looking for bones to gnaw on and just have fun with other demons...
My advise don't try to get close to hellhounds if you don't want to get ripped to shreds.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Today I had a very intense and weird dream.
I was in school when it all started (this sounds like Highschool of the dead, I know), at first there were some attacks but it all spreaded with bites, though people had their mind, they still started eating others, and only way to stop them was to shop of their head. So me and group of survivors fled the school. On the way we lost some people, when we were on street, we couldn't make sense who is a zombie and who is not, and they had the same problem (don't know why).
So we were heading to somekind of safehouse, on the way we noticed a "phoenix", well it seemed like it at first but when it got closer it got to us that this is a flaming plane circling over our heads. And getting closer to the ground, finally it touched down just 20 meters from were we had been 10 seconds ago.
After that incident, I found myself at home. Didn't notice how did I get there. At first I went to find an axe before the zombies get to us. Then I find that my granny is home but she looks like she had had bitten by zombie. So she wants me to chop of her head because she don't want to turn. So I do it with some "minor" problems, like not a clear cut, I have to take 4-5 times when I get it really off. Then comes our neighbor buy who had been bitten too and asks to chop off his head. This time it goes smoothly. After that comes the people who had been turned into mindless bloodthirsty zombies. So I start to chop of their heads with an axe at my door. There only comes 5 or 6 of them and then I am going off to find my friends with who I escaped the school.
After I've set off from home I end up in somekind of den of people who have bitten but haven't lost their mind yet, but they are hunting me and others like me who haven't been bitten because they are hungry for human meat, although they can't distinguish humans from the bitten. It seems I have lost my axe on the way so I start looking for a sharp tool to use as weapon. As I'm looking I found a room where are only tools but they are too small for close combat so I can't risk to take any of them. After that I'm going out to street, and find that the bitten ones are taking cars to track the humans down and bring them for the meal. On the street they have a big variation of vehicles, from minis to big armored army trucks. So they set off I stay near their den looking for an open vehicle what I could use. Then I meet a group of humans looking also for wheels. I help them find some wheels but when they invite me to come with them I say no for no reason I could come up with. 
Before I wake up I end up in some kind of arena where is held some kind of ceremony, but before I get to know what it is I wake up.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Demons are usually porterayed as red guys/chicks with horns. But think little realistic who would like to look like a whooker in red latex? Demons can be every size, from a little virus to a the Devil himself, but here we don't know what size devil wears. So 1 thing is straight demons aint those red whookers in latex.
Now you see demons can be almost everything you see around you and those mythical creatures as werewolves, vampires, ghouls, even frickin zombies and not to mention hell hounds. Hell hounds are loyal servants to demons who can control them to get what they want like crossroads demon who seals deals for collecting souls and when the time is right the hounds will collect the soul.
Then there are those demons who are afraid of the Devil and want to get him never out of his cell. They are hunted by their onw kind and slaughtered like pigs when they are catched.
Forgot to mention that demons can posess a person. When they leave persons body the body is left like it is, so if you fell 9 stories when you were possesed  you will notice it when demon leaves.
So don't get in the way of any demons or even the Devil.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Angels and Saints

So todays story is about angels. Angels the tough guys with white and feathery wings. Well some refer to angels as messengers of the God, I think they are just a work of God.
 They were created before humans so God could see how he is doing with greating life. When he saw how majestic the Angels were, He created humas, but one thing separated them from humans. Humans were sometimes hostile to eachother. So God punished them, but he still loved them. One day one of his Angels Lucifer raised against God and for that he was sent to earth from Heaven.

On Earth Lucifer created demons, trapped souls of dead people, to be his slaves. When God noticed it he sent Lucifer and his slaves deeper in to the Earth, to the pit we nowadays know as the Hell.
How could an Angel fall so low as hell? It's easy they just rebel on each other, and so we don't know how many angels have fallen from Heaven for their betreyal. We only know that the strongest fallen Angel is trapped in a hole from where is no escape.

Some Fallen ones have melded into the crowd and became known as Saint's for their work for other people and still having faith on humankind when the Heaven has lost its faith to the mankind. Saints nowadays don't stand up from big crowd, because nowadays people just worship the famous people like Michal Jackson, Paris Hilton, Justin Bieber(who I really hate a lot actualy) and many more. Saints are special people who help others without taking anything from them as a reward. They just do it from their free will.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Death is just an ending of a sad and a start of new life. What I believe is that when people die they are reborn in the moment of their death as someone else on the other side of the globe. Death comes to all at its own speed, there is no reasoning with Death. Death takes somebody close from me so what, I can live it through but if all are gone all my friends and family then I feel like I want to give myself to Death at an instant.

Let Death take you naturally don't call for him to come for you prematurely. You will hurt those who are still around you if you do so. Death is just a messenger and the message is : YOUR TIME IS OVER!