Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Am I not myself?

Why this keeps happening? I don't feel like myself anymore. Am I really changing or is it just that I'm too quiet?
How can I get this feeling out from myself?...
Every dream looks like a nightmare without and ending. Just how long this will last? Nothing happy doesn't seem to happen, even if I try to lose the pessimistic cloud over my head. But every color looks grey now.

Monday, March 14, 2011

We live in rough times

Oh well, time to write next entry after million years of silence.
Cruising through life at speed of life.
Lot has happened since last post. Happy stuff, sad stuff but I'm still ok and sane.

Lets break some topics to pieces like the Japanase earthquake and my view of the thing. I got known about the issue when the tsunami had hit Japanese coast, but then I was like oh well, it can be worse. That was at school when I got home I read about it on bbc.com and other sites. I was like OMG for second. And then I followed the news past days and saw how things went. Not from bad to worse but how one thing can cause so much problems.

I would gladly go to help japanese people if I could, but there lies problem, I still have school to finish. On the other hand I believe that japanese can overcome this "catastrophe" pretty fast. As I was reading one blog where it was clearly pointed out what is a core meltdown and other things media has highlighted due to explosions at Fukushima nuclear power-plant. Let this topic just lose it's heat, then it will be more accurate.

Other than that life has been as boring as it can be, nothing to do but sleep all day long. Sometimes happaned that I woke up and noticed that I missed the training.
Good news is that winter is almost over, Sun shines higher and longer.

Fluxx is great game, but No one expects the Spanish inquisition.